5 Dangerous Dog Treat Additives to Avoid


In 2008 I lost my dog to liver failure because of the toxic treats I was unknowingly feeding him.

The situation was so terrible and heartbreaking at the time but from then on I made a commitment to never make the same mistake with another pet. 

I started researching pet food ingredients, pet nutrition, pet food production practices, and what I discovered was quite shocking to say the least. 

I discovered that a particular store bought dog treat (a famous brand) contained arsenic as a preservative. 

Yep, you read that right. Arsenic. How can a major pet food brand get away with such a thing? 

I know from my own experiences in being a dog owner, finding the right treat to feed your dog can be like playing Russian roulette. 

After Bear died from ingesting toxic treats (I was unknowingly feeding him) I

I started researching pet food ingredients, pet nutrition, pet food production practices, and the truth I discovered was quite shocking to say the least.

The sad truth is, most commercial pet food companies simply DON’T CARE about your pet…

Thats why we created the Healthy Pet Parents community!

Healthy Pet Parents is a community of like minded, loving and responsible pet parents dedicated to ensuring the health, happiness and longevity of dogs throughout our country.

With your help we believe we can turn the tide of the pet food industry and show manufacturers that pet owners are not only willing but eager to give their dogs the best...

 Sound like you? Then you’re in the right place!

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