5 Superfoods Proven By Science To Extend Your Dogs Life

Your about to discover 5 superfoods backed by science that can help fight cancer, and give your dog a longer happier life. 
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Here are my top nutritional tips (Backed by science) for increasing your dog’s diet today:

Superfood 1: Sardines

If there is one food that you can easily put into any dog’s diet that will instantly increase the nutritional density it’s got to be Sardines.

Mostly made of protein and healthy fats, Sardines also contain many trace minerals essential to dog health like vitamin B12, Vitamin D which helps fight cancer. 

Sardines also contain high amounts of Phosphorus which plays an important role in processing fats and carbohydrates in dogs, and also helps synthesize protein for building muscle, repairing muscles, and transporting vitamins around the body. 

Another reason Sardines are a nutritional powerhouse is because they are also high in Omega 3 fatty acids which we know from mountains of research helps dogs in many ways like cancer prevention and normal cell and brain function.