Benefits Of Feeding Your Dog Omega 3

Benefits Of Feeding Your Dog Omega 3

Omega 3 fatty acids help to maintain your dogs healthy skin and coats. It also promotes a strong and healthy immune system as well as plays a vital role in cell growth.

By increasing omega-3 fatty acids in your dogs diet, many benefits can include:
  • Improvement of coat and skin health.
  • Reduced amount of inflammation from allergies.
  • Immune system regulation, boosting of suppressed immune systems and calming overactive immune systems.
  • Lowering fat production.
  • Provides support for dogs suffering from kidney disease, heart disease and cancer. Reduce inflammation within the body.

Natural sources of Omega 3:

Fish or Krill Oil - One of the easiest but more expensive options if oil. You can find this at most health stores. Simply ad a splash on your dogs bowl daily can help with dry and flaky skin, dull coat, dermatitis and even loss of hair. 

Fatty Fish Like Salmon - High in both DHA and EPA, the real thing is always a good way to get fatty acids in it’s diet.  

Looking for a cheap alternative? 

Sardines - If there is one food that you can easily put into any dog’s diet that will instantly increase the nutritional density, but wont break the bank - it’s got to be Sardines. Learn more about Sardine Benefits here

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